Operational Excellence
Unparalleled, invaluable and essential core service to any organisation seeking data centre design and operational excellence
Unparalleled, invaluable and essential core service to any organisation seeking data centre design and operational excellence
Providing in-depth knowledge of any facility, covering from physical to operations, maintenance, & even contractual elements
Certification of facilities at Design & Operational stage, & weighted certification for Colocations
185 Attributes within 9 Modules to provide Certification ranging from 1- to 4+
The benefits of joining ©DC-suITe are vast
Data Centres are surveyed by Certified experts
Data Centres are rated against enhanced criteria over known standards
Interactive World Map & Technical Marketing platform for Colocations
Data Centres are compared graphically on both modules and attributes levels
Automated Dashboard, Detailed Reporting, & Interactive multi-level graphs
Gap analysis highlighting Over & Under Designed criteria
©DC-suITe illustrates graphically and numerically a rating for each site for the 9 Modules
After receiving an overview of the tool and the underpinning principles and methodology, I am very interested in exploring it further and in performing a proof of concept in order to better confirm the benefit that I believe DC-suITe can provide in terms of in depth visibility and understanding of our global data center portfolio.
I had the privilege to become the first DC-suITe prototype user. Even though it was not as fully-featured as it is today, with the help to this tool I believe i can establish a regional datacenter portfolio database and conduct datacenter strategy analysis.
DC-suITe is certainly a game changer. In addition to the value it brings through its certification process, it is a tool that streamlines the approach to the engineering and operation of data centres and certainly presents the process in a user-friendly interface. This allows clear communication between the implementation teams and C-Level decision makers within the stakeholders of a data centre. We believe that DC-suITe will be adopted by data centre developers, owners and builders for the value it offers.
DC-suITe is a refreshing new tool that provides a truly comprehensive method of analyzing and rating all aspects that form part of a Data Centre on top of having an interactive tool that is user friendly and give you all the info you might need with a simple click. Great assessment tool and worth considering.
Looking at the DC-suITe solution, it is a breath of fresh air. It clearly allows people to see where there datacenter is within the grading. The solution completely removes the grey areas and most importantly shows a customers where they need to improve and focus their time and money
DC-suITe is indeed a comprehensive data center assessment and certification program. With horsepower in all the right places, this tool is designed for data center designers and owners by experts in the field. With interpretive graphical or numerical readouts, DC-suITe’s 9 module platform delivers critical information to the fingertips of management. This is a highly recommended tool for certification and data center comparison
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